
The unwavering transience of mise x

Do you ever think twice before installing a tool, knowing there's a significant chance you'll forget about it tomorrow? Just me?

I've gotten into the habit of using this install-and-run trick with mise-en-place:

mise x dart -- sass -I_sass base.sass out.css

You can also quickly try something in a specific language version without modifying your shell session or reconfiguring your project:

mise x ruby@3.5 -- irb

One of mise's many party tricks is installing tools via its backends. Some tools require installation through npm, pip, or cargo. Since I'm not intimately familiar with these ecosystems, I'm never quite sure where commands get installed or whether I have the appropriate directories in my PATH.

Managing your PATH is mise's forte:

mise x ubi:Cretezy/lazyjj@0.5.0 -- lazyjj
mise x pipx:aider-install -- aider -h
mise x node@22 npm:@tailwindcss/upgrade -- npx @tailwindcss/upgrade
mise x rust cargo:vsixHarvester -- vsixHarvester --help

Note that in some cases I'm specifying node/rust since they aren't already in my PATH.

Once you're satisfied with a tool and want to use it regularly, just change mise x to miseĀ i[nstall].